Foot ball Worldcup

This one is more special as I have freedom to watch football on T.V. We didn't have T.V in 1998 and none of my hostelmates allowed me to watch football in 2002 except for Final match of Brazil Vs Germany. Now, I' m watching evreything including pre & post match discussions Harsha, Jerry and Steve and all these last only for three hours .( what else you expect from an Indian football fan who got used to watch cricket for eight hours straight)
Harsha Bhogle, The voice of Indian cricket is back on ESPN. It's been a while since I heard of quality commentory, seriously ,tired of listening Manjrekar, Arun lal and other stupid commentators. As a great fan of Harsha ,I enjoyed his presence on ESPN ,but most of my friends ,who are true foot ball fans were badly missing John Dykes. I stopped arguing with them until they asked me 'Do you watch Cricket Worldcup with John Dykes??' Hell No. No one else in the world match Harsha, As far as cricket commentory is concerned...
Which team to support was the biggest question ? To support France (for Henry) or Brazil or England or Germay... I ruled out Brazil as I hate same team winning so many times and I'm no great fan of Germany either... I chose England over France as there are more known faces like Gerrad, Lampard,Rooney and Beckham ,on the other hand France has only one great player (Henry) as Zidane is old..
Worldcup started ,not many surpises ,except of Ghana and Ukrain making into round of 16. France,England,Brazil,Ukrain,Italy,Germany ,Argentina and portuagal were in last eight. Germany Vs Argentia, Italy Vs Ukariane , Brazil Vs France, England Vs Portugal. Wow!!! All great matches (except Italy match) .... First two matches were scheduled for Friday and last two were on saturday. On Friday Germany and Italy won as I expected ,but on saturday I was completely wrong...
First surprise was England lost ,the team which I decided to support was no more in the worldcup.Rooney's arrogance sent him out , Gerrand and Lampard were unable to perform when it really mattered. I swear, I'm not going to support England in near future.
Another surprise of the day was France won over Brazil, with Theirry Henry's goal... Can't Believe it... Thanks to Roberto Carlos, who allowed Henry to convert Ziju's free kick to a goal.. Carlos had a great chance to mark Henry,but I'm not sure ,why he played spectator's role.. Zizu was outstanding in the match , He proved me wrong, He was so perfect ,infact he is the only Real madrid player who performed to his full potential in this worldcup..
Back to Henry and France.. I'm supporting France now.. With Henry,Viera and Zidane ,they are going to win this worldcup... I'm expecting France Vs Germany final on July 9th, Lets wait and see..
Labels: Sports
France Lost :(
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